
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Alopecia (Baldness)

What is Alopecia
Alopecia is an autoimmune state which results in the loss of hair. In this disorder, the body’s immune system mistakenly stops the growth of hair because of unidentified reasons. The loss of hair might be sparse or patchy and may involve scalp as well as rest of the body. Mostly men and very few women are affected from Alopecia (hair fall). However, some cases of Alopecia may worsen to an illness or disorder like telogen effluvium or alopecia areata. As a solution to hair loss, patients can get hair replaced artificially and any damage caused by loss of hair can be repaired cosmetically.

Symptoms of Alopecia
The most common symptom of Alopecia is baldness. Then comes the patchy hair loss and the exposed skin might be scaly or red. In some patients Alopecia is identified from pitted or split nails. Some other symptoms include excessive hair-drying or shampoo, and extremely tight hair accessories.

Causes of Alopecia
If someone suffers from continuous high fever, he/she may get Alopecia. In women, the hair may fall within 2-3 months after delivery. Another cause of Alopecia may be inadequate amount of protein in diet. A person having thyroid disease can also get Alopecia. Some other common causes of Alopecia are coloring, bleaching, tight braiding, permanent waves, use of hot curlers, blow drying and use of different chemical preparations.

Risk factors of Alopecia
The most common risk factor associated with Alopecia is stress. Some skin diseases like lichen planus, ringworm infection, syphilis are also the risk factors of Alopecia. The bacterial and viral infections, asthma, dermatitis, excessive blow drying or shampooing, and some genetic factors are also Alopecia’s risk factors. In some cases, Alopecia is the result of nutritional deficiency like lack of vitamin B complex, iron and zinc in the diet.

Complications of Alopecia
When it comes to complications of Alopecia, permanent hair loss is suffered by persons affected with Alopecia and this may also lead to thyroid disease.

Diagnosing Alopecia
For any illness, the objective of diagnosis is to find out the root cause of that illness. To identify about the tumor or infection, a biopsy is necessary. The plucked hairs are put under a microscope and then one can easily find out whether it is androgenic alopecia or alopecia areata. Some other tests might also be done to check other autoimmune diseases like lupus because this disease can be accompanied with Alopecia. In case children are diagnosed for Alopecia arerata, the doctor should find out that the loss of hair is not because of trichotillomania, a neurotic habit.

Prevention and Precautions of Alopecia
While hair loss can’t be prevented from any measure, but sometimes it is possible to slow down or stop the effects of Alopecia. Till the regrowth of hair, the affected person may opt to wear hat, wig or any other covering item. The hair loss can be disguised through hairpieces, hairstyle changes, or hair weaves. These approaches are generally considered safest and least expensive approaches to hair loss. When using hairpieces, do not structure them to scalp because it may give infection or scars. So, these are some of the preventive measures and cautions one can take when affected with Alopecia.   

Treatment of Alopecia

Homeopathic Treatment of Alopecia
Homeopathy can successfully treat Alopecia. All kinds of hair loss can be excellently treated with Homeopathy. In just 6-8 weeks, any hair loss is controlled by homeopathy. In this treatment, immune system is altered and the roots of this disease are treated. Most of the cases witness permanent results. Some homeopathic medicines commonly used to treat Alopecia are Arsenic alb, Silicea, Fluoric acid, Natrum M, Lycopodium and Phosphoric acid.

Acupressure and Acupuncture Treatment of Alopecia
Some main techniques used in treatment through acupuncture include rubbing, scrubbing, kneading, pushing, patting, grasping, wiping and rub rolling. Often, creams are combined in treatment through Acupuncture. The head area and distal points are electrically stimulated. When the affected area is tapped with plum blossom, it is considered very effective.

Psychotherapy Treatment of Alopecia
In this treatment, your interaction happens with a specially-trained caregiver. He/she listens and talks to you. Your emotional stress’s cause is determined through this method. Your interaction with this caregiver can happen in the presence of your family member or if you want to interact with the caregiver alone, you can meet him/her alone. Thus, if emotional stress is causing your hair to fall, this treatment will surely help.

Allopathic/Conventional Treatment of Alopecia
During this treatment, you are given medicines like finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) and minoxidil (Rogaine). These drugs promote the growth of hair in significantly less number of patients, especially persons having alopecia areata and male pattern baldness. The regular and continuous use of minoxidil has produced satisfactory results in 50 percent of patients with alopecia areata and one-fourth of androgenic alopecia’s patients. Both these drugs are considered safe for the treatment of Alopecia.

Surgical Treatment of Alopecia
The surgical treatment of Alopecia is Hair transplantation. This procedure is cosmetic surgery and is usually done on scalp. In this treatment, Hair follicles are removed from one portion of the head and planted on the bald area of the head. To do this, the scalp tissue of donor is cut into smaller pieces and placed in every tiny incision (cut) in the bald region. Normally, it is done in severe conditions or when the medicines fail to produce results.

Dietary and Herbal Treatment of Alopecia
In Alopecia, it is important to manage your diet. So, excessive salt usage should be avoided, more and more fruits and vegetables should be consumed. The people suffering from Alopecia should also consume diet rich in vitamins and iron.

Other Treatment of Alopecia
When talked about other treatment of Alopecia, it is found that Yoga therapy can successfully eliminate this disease’s root cause and thus, is the correct approach to manage Alopecia. The different postures of Yoga help in relieving tension from the neck region and indirectly helps in keeping healthy hair. The flow of blood towards the scalp is increased through Padhangushtasana, Shirsasana, and Sarvangasana.


Patient's Feedback

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